In this programme you will find practical ways for moving towards a diet that includes habits which improve quality of life for ourselves and the people around us.
You learn how this affects our decisions, how we choose what we buy and where we buy it, all in a cheerful, fun and creative way.
We discover how to improve our surroundings and our inner selves, in order to feel full of life.
Our food choices have an impact on the environment; we review various diets (carnivorous, omnivorous and vegetarian) and finally focus on the plant-based diet.
Sustainable Food Citizen Week
Video resum de la Setmana Ciutadana de l'Alimentació Sostenible 2021
The activities of the Sustainable Food Citizen Week
Sustainable Food Citizen Week provides an opportunity to understand the relationship between food habits and cross-cutting aspects such as the climate emergency, local economic development, culture, politics, social rights and health. A week dedicated to citizens, in which you will achieve knowledge, reflection and debate about the main issues of the following activities.
Gastronomic heritage
- October 18th - 18.00 HBetevé broadcastingTelevised cooking workshop
- October 19th - 18.00 HBetevé broadcastingTelevised cooking workshop
How can you adapt sustainable food to healthy living?
Batch cooking consists in cooking for the whole family and investing a little time so you can make nutritious everyday meals, at home and for your lunch box.
BREAKFAST: habits as simple as a good glass of water, with sea water and lemon. Breakfasts such as shakes or smoothies, which you can warm up in winter. You will discover recipes such as rice pudding and pear, quality-bread sandwiches and an omelette made from organic eggs.
LUNCH: important notions on how to structure a dish with different groups of foods. A dish is not the same for a teenager as a middle-aged person. You can cook the same for all the family but put in what each person needs. You should always add vegetables in season, wholemeal carbohydrates, some raw vegetables, sprouted and fermented foods, etc. You will discover recipes such as baked pumpkin with curry; lentils cooked with adobo, sprouted ... and seeds; chickpeas with prawns; wholemeal rice with mushrooms; and lettuce head salad with carrot, olives and chopped chives. Wholemeal pasta with courgettes, mushrooms, squid with carrot and beetroot.
EVENING MEAL: an evening meal or supper should be light and eaten as early as possible. You will discover recipes such as pumpkin, sweet potato and oatmeal soup; vegetable pudding with carrot and broccoli; fish soup with noodles, and grilled fish in a sauce.
- October 20th - 18.00 HBetevé broadcastingTelevised cooking workshop
Getting children away from processed food as much as possible.
At home, we can organise menus very quickly, using fresh and seasonal local produce.
Not forgetting breakfasts and snacks and their natural desire for sweet food; we offer some great solutions.
Waste vs Good use
- October 16th - 20.00 HPlaça ReialTalk
Presentation of Repensa el que menges (Rethink What You Eat), a guide for the sustainability of formal and non-formal educational practices in the promotion of the right to food through the service learning methodology.
- October 16th - 20.00 HTeatre del CCCB, Jardí dels Tarongers, Plaça del Rei, Parc de la BarcelonetaShow
A unique musical group, the Vegetable Orchestra, plays instruments made from fresh vegetables. The use of various vegetable instruments makes for a unique musical and aesthetic universe. The Vegetable Orchestra covers the most diverse musical styles, combining genres from electronic music to jazz. The newly created instruments determine the resulting sound. A Vegetable Orchestra concert appeals to all five senses.
- October 20th - 22.00 H (variable according to betevé programming)Betevé broadcastingDocumentary film season
Amazing, but true: from the farm to the dining table, more than half of the food is thrown away and much of that food never reaches consumers. Why are these increasingly large amounts of food being destroyed? In this documentary we will look for explanations for this waste.
This activity is part of the Betevé documentary film series that includes the films Fermentación espontánea, Taste the waste, Food for change and Il mare piange.
Urban rurality and biodiversity
- October 16 at 13:40 hJardí dels TarongersTalk
Bees are one of the most important, and unknown, groups of pollinators. The aim of this talk is to showcase the life of bees, and also serve as an opportunity to understand the role that these insects play, together with the hosts, the plants, in the ecological balance of the planet. The reality is that humanity is facing a disturbing problem: the decline of bees. It is a subject that is being talked about more and more, and that we cannot overlook, as the Museum of Natural Sciences. The causes are numerous, and closely linked to the long litany of changes to the environment prompted by human activity. Now is the time for us to understand what we have done wrong and prepare a guide of best practices that can be used to recover the biodiversity that has been lost.
- October 16th - 16.30 HPlaça ReialTalk
The dynamics of this activity involve a mandala. We draw conclusions on how urban agriculture has fared this year, where we have made progress and where not, where we are headed and the importance of agriculture within the city, with the participation of various people connected to urban agriculture and others who will help us to connect with our bodies.
This is an open, participative activity where the audience can contribute their wishes and materials to the mandala. Ritual for closing and opening the year, as it has been a busy one in urban agriculture. - October 16th - 17.30 HJardí dels TarongersRound table
The Metropolitan agricultural belt is the on-site embodiment of the need (exacerbated by climate change and the biodiversity crisis) for healthy, wholesome and sustainable local supplies. It starts in the Metropolitan Area and includes the entire Metropolitan Region: it has a bottom-up structure, based on the view, already accepted by some city councils, that we need to preserve or create an agricultural belt around every municipality. We are therefore talking about a belt of belts.
To make this possible, the two main challenges we face are access to production resources and guaranteed fair prices. And in addition to this demand for “minimum prices for food and maximum prices for land”, there is the vital importance of adopting large-scale healthy, mitigating and regenerative agronomic practices. This means that financial aid for farmers has to involve cross compliance, but also has to be available to everyone, not just the big producers.
Ecological footprint
- October 16th - 18.00 HPlaça ReialTalk
Discussion on unsustainable fishing and its impact. What are the consequences of not fishing in our seas? We’ll be meeting up to discuss the impact that international fishing agreements are having and the advantages to local fishing. We will also find out how West Africa's coastal populations are facing over-exploitation of their maritime resources and what local-fish initiatives we have in Barcelona.
- October 17th - 11.00 H (Plaça del Rei) and October 23th - 10.00 H (Pl. de les Glòries Catalanes, next to the Disseny HUB BarcelonaPlaça del Rei, Plaça de les Glòries Catalanes, next to the Disseny HUB BarcelonaWorkshop
After receiving a brief introduction on climate change and its connection with our food system, everyone attending will be able to calculate the environmental footprint their food generates.
- October 17th - 12.00 HPlaça del ReiWorkshop
A workshop on low energy consumption cooking, to provide ideas and tips for cooking while using as little energy as possible. Tackling the problem in a practical way, we encourage reflection on better food-use cooking and healthy, sustainable food. The workshop aims to provide participants with viable tools for furthering their commitment to reducing the environmental impact of their food, opting for simple, but transformative, solutions. The workshop's objective, through various demonstrations as well as practical and theoretical advice, is to apply this in everyday life. It also fosters the culture of better food use and a complete, balanced diet. The workshop includes an explanation from an expert and the live preparation of various recipes.
- October 17th - 20.00 HPlaça ReialShow
At the improshow we play with knowledge about food, sustainability and the climate emergency. We’ll be improvising everyday situations connected with sustainable food and local organisations, through humour and based on audience suggestions.
An innovative experience in which the audience will become the authors of stories that are surprising, exciting and fun. - October 19 at 7:30 h / October 20, 21 and 22 at 16:00 hFishermen's Guild of BarcelonaVisit / Tour
The fish market is a specific part of the Barcelona fishing port where the fish that have been caught during the day are auctioned off for sale. On the occasion of Sustainable Food Week, the market opens its doors so that we can learn about the fleet of the Fishermen’s Guild of la Barceloneta, the various fishing methods used and the environmental impact they have. During the visit, we will talk about the types of fishing and the methods used to catch different species, while learning what a day at the market is like, what species are sold at auction, and what measures are being taken to address the new challenges that are putting marine ecosystems at risk.
- Remnants and futures of agriculture in Barcelona: La Ponderosa, El Rec Comtal and La Casa de l’AiguaOctober 23th from 10.00 to 13.00 HCasa de l'Aigua de la Trinitat NovaVisit / Tour
Are there any allotment estates left in Barcelona? How does Barcelona feed itself? How vulnerable are we, without having land available for producing the food we eat? Discover La Ponderosa, the city’s last allotment estate, the Rec Comtal and water heritage, and fall in love with local produce and sustainable food.
More week
- October 16th from 11.00 to 13.00 HLa Fàbrica del SolTalk
A talk on sustainable food at an early age and the emotions that are derived from what we eat.
During the talk we reflect on the benefits of conscious, sustainable nutrition during childhood; the relationship between what we eat and the emotions we feel, acquiring healthy habits at a young age and the importance of understanding how our body works
- October 16th - 11.00 HMercat de la Sagrada FamíliaCulinary experience
Times are changing, and so is our food. Just as our work, our leisure and the way we relate to each other have changed, we can also change our eating habits and make them healthier.
One essential nutrient for a healthy diet is protein, which we usually associate with food of animal origins. But what options do vegetables offer us in terms of protein content? Come and find out, and enjoy a spectacular culinary tasting!
- October 16th from 11.30 to 12.30 HVallvidrera Civic Centre - Vázquez MontalbánShow
A family show that aims to familiarise children with the cooking of seasonal vegetables and foster a healthy, sustainable diet.
Can you imagine seeing how some seeds turn into fresh vegetables, in front of your eyes? In this fantastic family show, you will discover the magic of cooking while having a good laugh. You will see a love story in the form of a Shakespearian tragicomedy, where peaceful coexistence triumphs inside the saucepan! From now on, eating cauliflower, carrots or broccoli will be much more fun. You’ll be licking your fingers!