
Urban agriculture mandala
October 16th - 16.30 H
On-site, with prior booking. With controlled audience capacity
The dynamics of this activity involve a mandala. We draw conclusions on how urban agriculture has fared this year, where we have made progress and where not, where we are headed and the importance of agriculture within the city, with the participation of various people connected to urban agriculture and others who will help us to connect with our bodies.
This is an open, participative activity where the audience can contribute their wishes and materials to the mandala. Ritual for closing and opening the year, as it has been a busy one in urban agriculture.
Aurora Serra Cantí, Rosa de l'Hort de Ca la dona, Monica Richardson, Kait Hutchison
Organizing entities:
Encuentro Estatal de Agricultura Urbana, Aplec d'Agricultura Urbana (Tarpuna, Green City Lab i Educahorts)
Other collaborating entities: