Educational projects
In order to transform the food system, it is essential to foster far-reaching cultural change, and above all to influence the food education of future generations. To this end, educational projects have been launched to introduce sustainable food into the Centre's educational projects.
‘Children’s Menu’ audiovisual series
Where does the food we eat come from?
Audiovisual series following Laura, a 12-year-old girl who takes on the challenge of looking for all the ingredients for her favourite menu without leaving Barcelona. This little adventure takes her to allotments, municipal markets and shops, interacting with stallholders and shop assistants, and more importantly, asking questions for somebody her age. Questions at times naive and at others uninhibited, yet always relevant, intelligent and incisive; doubts that many adults long since stopped pondering.
The series is jointly produced by Diari de Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra University and Barcelona City Council.
The ‘Créixer i péixer’ [Grow and Feed] audiovisual series
A television quiz on food challenges
The seven episodes showcase the learning that the younger members of society can pass on to older generations, in order to help transform our current food model.
Therefore, in a television-quiz format, the series deals with food challenges such as waste, the omnipresence of sugar, intolerances, seasonality, and confusing labelling. The series is jointly produced by Diari de Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra University and Barcelona City Council.

Menjadors més sans i sostenibles
Programa de menús ecosostenibles a les escoles
Iniciativa de l’Agència de Salut Pública de Barcelona (ASPB), l’Ajuntament de Barcelona i el Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona, per promoure una alimentació infantil més equilibrada, saludable i sostenible tant a l’escola com a casa.
Els centres educatius que decideixen fer el pas i implementar aquests menús ecosostenibles, que incorporen menys carn vermella o processada, més proteïna d’origen vegetal, i promouen productes de proximitat i de temporada, reben acompanyament. També s’assessora les empreses de monitoratge i restauració i les famílies.
Durant el curs 2022-2023, hi van participar 31 centres educatius i se’n van beneficiar més de 15.000 alumnes
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"Eat Smart" Micro-Network
Barcelona City Council’s Schools + Sustainability “Eat Smart” Micro-Network is working towards this goal by training teachers, promoting the exchange of experiences and providing educational tools and pedagogical resources for focusing on sustainable food in the classroom in a cross-cutting way, through different subject areas. In the 2020-2021 academic year, 11 schools were involved, and in the 2021-2022 academic year, around 20 schools will be involved.

Maleta literària "Tothom a taula!"
Amb més d’un centenar de llibres
La maleta “Tothom a taula!” agrupa una selecció de llibres de ficció i no-ficció que tenen com a nexe el protagonisme de diferents àmbits de l’alimentació sostenible. La formen un centenar de llibres senyalitzats per poder ordenar el discurs seguint-lo en forma de 7 epígrafs temàtics que responen a la següent frase: “Qui menja què, com, on, quan, quant i per què... però, EP!”
Sustainable Food Resource Pack
There are also other projects underway in different departments of Barcelona City Council that focus on food education for children, such as the educational programmes on food and health run by the Barcelona Public Health Agency, Learning and Service programmes on sustainable food, school visits to municipal markets organised by the Municipal Institute of Markets, and school visits to Mercabarna.