State and international networks
Xarxa de Ciutats per l'Agroecologia
Barcelona collaborates with the Xarxa de Municipis per l’Agroecologia, a network of local entities in Spain that call for, and take part in, agroecology-based food policies. It is a participatory space in which members agree on action plans and operating models and draw them up, sharing their knowledge and experience in the promotion of agroecology through local food policies. Among other projects and with support from Barcelona City Council, the Network has promoted the Barcelona Challenge for Good Food and Climate, a call to both national and international municipalities and their people to make a number of commitments for the transformation of their food systems in order to make them fairer, healthier and more resilient in the face of the climate crisis.

Barcelona is a member of C40, a global network of major world cities committed to taking the necessary urgent steps to address the climate emergency. The C40 member cities represent 700 million people and a quarter of the world's economy. The mayors of the C40 member cities are determined to comply, with collaboration and innovation, with the Paris Agreement signed by countries in 2015 with the aims of limiting global warming and building healthy, sustainable, fair and more resilient communities.
The mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, is the European Vice Chair of the Steering Committee of C40. C40 works by area, and Barcelona is actively involved in the food systems taskforce, whose members provide ideas and resources to drive climate solutions based on the transformation of the food system. Examples include residents eating more plant-based options and/or reducing food waste. In 2019, C40 drew up the C40 Good Food Cities Declaration, which has been signed by 14 cities, including Barcelona. In 2021, C40 also promoted the Barcelona Challenge for Good Food and Climate, a call to national and international municipalities and their people to make a number of commitments for the transformation of their food systems, to make them fairer, healthier and more resilient in the face of the climate crisis.
Eurocities – Food Systems Group
Barcelona is also a member of Eurocities, a network of over 200 cities in 38 countries representing 130 million people that works to ensure that everyone can have a good quality of life. Within the framework of this network, we work with the food systems group, where cities from all over Europe share their knowledge and experience regarding how to promote sustainable food systems from cities, providing healthy, sustainable food that is within everyone’s reach, protecting biodiversity and fighting food waste.