In this programme you will find practical ways for moving towards a diet that includes habits which improve quality of life for ourselves and the people around us.
You learn how this affects our decisions, how we choose what we buy and where we buy it, all in a cheerful, fun and creative way.
We discover how to improve our surroundings and our inner selves, in order to feel full of life.
Our food choices have an impact on the environment; we review various diets (carnivorous, omnivorous and vegetarian) and finally focus on the plant-based diet.
Sustainable Food Citizen Week
Video resum de la Setmana Ciutadana de l'Alimentació Sostenible 2021
The activities of the Sustainable Food Citizen Week
Sustainable Food Citizen Week provides an opportunity to understand the relationship between food habits and cross-cutting aspects such as the climate emergency, local economic development, culture, politics, social rights and health. A week dedicated to citizens, in which you will achieve knowledge, reflection and debate about the main issues of the following activities.
Gastronomic heritage
- October 18th - 18.00 HBetevé broadcastingTelevised cooking workshop
- October 19th - 18.00 HBetevé broadcastingTelevised cooking workshop
How can you adapt sustainable food to healthy living?
Batch cooking consists in cooking for the whole family and investing a little time so you can make nutritious everyday meals, at home and for your lunch box.
BREAKFAST: habits as simple as a good glass of water, with sea water and lemon. Breakfasts such as shakes or smoothies, which you can warm up in winter. You will discover recipes such as rice pudding and pear, quality-bread sandwiches and an omelette made from organic eggs.
LUNCH: important notions on how to structure a dish with different groups of foods. A dish is not the same for a teenager as a middle-aged person. You can cook the same for all the family but put in what each person needs. You should always add vegetables in season, wholemeal carbohydrates, some raw vegetables, sprouted and fermented foods, etc. You will discover recipes such as baked pumpkin with curry; lentils cooked with adobo, sprouted ... and seeds; chickpeas with prawns; wholemeal rice with mushrooms; and lettuce head salad with carrot, olives and chopped chives. Wholemeal pasta with courgettes, mushrooms, squid with carrot and beetroot.
EVENING MEAL: an evening meal or supper should be light and eaten as early as possible. You will discover recipes such as pumpkin, sweet potato and oatmeal soup; vegetable pudding with carrot and broccoli; fish soup with noodles, and grilled fish in a sauce.
- October 20th - 18.00 HBetevé broadcastingTelevised cooking workshop
Getting children away from processed food as much as possible.
At home, we can organise menus very quickly, using fresh and seasonal local produce.
Not forgetting breakfasts and snacks and their natural desire for sweet food; we offer some great solutions.
Waste vs Good use
- October 14th - 19.30 HPlaça de Sant JaumeShow
The start off the week will be a chorus, musical, and participative. Having their say will be the real heroes of sustainable food, those involved in the food cycle: the fishermen, drivers, chefs, farmers, ranchers, market vendors. The speech will be intertwined with the large mechanical orchestra of Cabo San Roque, distributed in the form of a sound mural in front of the City Hall, along with the active participation of the public, in a collective musical creation composed especially for the occasion. A show that highlights all the participants behind the food supply network and gives them a voice.
- Scenography and musical composition: Cabo San Roque
- Stage direction and coordination: Edi Pou
- Idea and concept: Virginia Angulo / Martín Garber
- October 16 at 11:00hParc de la BarcelonetaTalk
Presentation of the guide that provides readers with ideas, examples and lines of action for initiating better food-use actions in the city's neighbourhoods, either in the form of food networks, better food use meals or other formats.
Guide authors: Espai Ambiental Cooperativa and Associació Cuchara. Published by Barcelona City Council. - October 16th - 11.30 HParc de la BarcelonetaTalk
Presentation of the Pont Alimentari [Food Bridge] project, promoted by Rezero and the Resources Bank Foundation since 2015, with the aim of reducing food waste in the retail, catering and restaurant food-distribution sector, creating a network for interaction and better food use among donor companies and recipient organisations supporting vulnerable groups.
Urban rurality and biodiversity
- October 16th - 20.00 HTeatre del CCCB, Jardí dels Tarongers, Plaça del Rei, Parc de la BarcelonetaShow
A unique musical group, the Vegetable Orchestra, plays instruments made from fresh vegetables. The use of various vegetable instruments makes for a unique musical and aesthetic universe. The Vegetable Orchestra covers the most diverse musical styles, combining genres from electronic music to jazz. The newly created instruments determine the resulting sound. A Vegetable Orchestra concert appeals to all five senses.
- October 17th from 10.00 to 12.00 H. The activity starts every 25 minutes, lasting 15-20 minutes per shift.Plaça ReialWorkshop
Transplant varieties of recovered local vegetables, take them home and plant the seeds from the Can Soler store there too!
In addition, you will learn about the agro-ecological and social inclusion project of the Fundació Els Tres Turons.
The activity will take place from 10:00 to 12:00 every 25 minutes. Each turn will last between 15 and 20 minutes. Not to be missed! - October 17th - 16.30 HPlaça ReialTalk, Exhibition
Performance exhibition of a politico-poetic gastrosophical manifesto which includes some of the most high-impact themes which are consolidated through contributions from the network of experts and leading authorities involved in the research.
Ecological footprint
- October 17th - 13.00 HPlaça del ReiTalk
Talk looking at all the most common stages of the life cycle of our food. From the farm to the table, we’ll be pondering the carbon footprint of agriculture, packaging, logistics, cooking, organic waste etc. The overall goal is to provide information for deciding on food which has a lower impact in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. The session will also stress the contradictions in environmental communication for consumers.
- 17th October 13.30 hPlaça del ReiTalk
What are the impacts of our food system on our planet? How does this affect the peasantry, our territory and the communities of the global south? What role does the food industry play? What can we do as consumers? What is the role and situation of women, who have traditionally fed the world? On all these issues, we offer you an exciting dialogue with Vandana Shiva (Indian climate activist, graduate in physics, philosopher, ecologist, feminist and author of more than twenty books and 300 articles in the world's most prestigious scientific journals) and Esther Vivas ( activist, researcher in social movements and agricultural and food policies, degree in journalism and diploma in higher studies in sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona).
- October 17th - 17.30 HPlaça del ReiRound table
The current industrial agri-food system generates a series of environmental conflicts that are manifested through struggles and mobilisations in response to the impact this system has on the environment and society. These conflicts are mainly associated with the defence of environmental conditions or equal access and distribution of natural resources, often occurring in production and transit areas, and ultimately affecting the regions and communities where they happen. They often reveal conflicting interests, different development paradigms, and aspects related to involvement in decision-making.
The aim of this roundtable is to address some of the main current socio-environmental conflicts in Catalonia, arising from the food system, and to understand the causes and impacts both in Catalonia and the Global South, in order to make them visible, encourage dialogue and provide possible solutions or alternatives.
- 14-24 October, all daySustainable Food Week Social Media, Screens of the muncipal marketsExhibition
In order to spark an interest in local and seasonal cuisine among the younger generations, an activity designed for kids was carried out, which consisted of creating a piece of artwork about the origins of food.
Through a fun and creative activity, based on the collage technique, boys and girls from the Barcelona Metropolitan Area created a set of landscapes from the ingredients used to make different recipes. A collective imaginary, which introduced young children, in a playful, experimental and creative way, to the knowledge about our gastronomic culture, and at the same time, taught them the value of a healthy and sustainable diet.
The art work can be seen on the Sustainable Food Week social media and also on the different screens set up at the different municipal markets.
- Idea and concept: curation team for the Sustainable Food Citizen Week.
- With the collaboration of Marta de los Pájaros and Fundesplai.
- October 14th - 19.30 HPlaça de Sant JaumeShow
The start off the week will be a chorus, musical, and participative. Having their say will be the real heroes of sustainable food, those involved in the food cycle: the fishermen, drivers, chefs, farmers, ranchers, market vendors. The speech will be intertwined with the large mechanical orchestra of Cabo San Roque, distributed in the form of a sound mural in front of the City Hall, along with the active participation of the public, in a collective musical creation composed especially for the occasion. A show that highlights all the participants behind the food supply network and gives them a voice.
- Scenography and musical composition: Cabo San Roque
- Stage direction and coordination: Edi Pou
- Idea and concept: Virginia Angulo / Martín Garber
- October 16th from 13.00 to 14.00 HPlaça ReialShow
Agroecology and family circus show.
“The land is full of plastic and GMOs and agrochemicals are threatening us. Luckily, we have an endangered species called Pagès… ”
More week
- October 16-22VideoconferenceOnline
In this theoretical-practical online course you will learn about the tools you need for a healthier, more balanced diet, learning to choose seasonal ingredients and use them in simple, quick and tasty recipes. We will explain how you can organise and design your weekly menu so that it is more varied and sustainable. We will help you to consume in a more conscious way, avoiding food waste and unnecessary packaging. You will prepare simple, tasty vegetarian recipes, in order to include more fresh, seasonal vegetables in your diet. A dietician will always be on hand to answer any queries, and you can share your experience with other participants to ensure that the session is more fun and worthwhile.
You will receive information and a recipe every day, by email. Throughout the course, there will be a WhatsApp group for comments and queries.
Activity with admission price (€15). - October 16-22, all dayVideoconferenceOnline
Do you know everything you can do to avoid food waste?
From 16 to 22 October, put yourself to the test! Participation through Nutrició Sense Fronteres Instagram - October 16-24 - Every day at 9.00 HFace to face and onlineWorkshop
Bio Week for Organic Food is an event featuring a whole host of activities around Catalonia, with the common goal of promoting and introducing organic produce and food to the public. The activities are organised by producers, processors and transformers, associations, shops, restaurants and schools working on subjects relating to organic agri-food production. See all the activities on the