The presentation of the manifesto “Barcelona for sustainable food” rounds off the Barcelona Gastronomy Forum 2021

The three-day fair brought together over 300 companies and 60 chefs.

21/10/2021 - 14:16 h - Climate emergency Ajuntament de Barcelona

The Barcelona Gastronomy Forum concluded on Wednesday with a reading of the manifesto “Barcelona for sustainable food”. In the manifesto, representatives from across the sector sought to highlight how important it is for food to be locally sourced and seasonal, as this ensures the quality and flavour of produce.

The three-day fair brought together over 300 companies and 60 chefs, with its final manifesto urging a change in direction for food systems and a redefinition of strategies. The Mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, stated: “Barcelona is already an example for top-class professional cuisine, but also seeks to be one for sustainable gastronomy, as this is the future”.

The reading of the manifesto was attended by Joan Roca, chef at El Celler de Can Roca; a representative from the Associació de Dones del Món Rural, Urgell Isus; a representative from the association Les Cuineres de Sils; Maria Solà, and the director of the Fundació Alícia, Toni Massanés.

The Barcelona Gastronomy Forum 2021 was held as part of the project Barcelona World Sustainable Food Capital 2021, which seeks to drive a food transition towards sustainability, strengthening sustainable local economies and improving the health of people and the planet as a whole. The initiative includes over 90 projects and policies to promote sustainable food, with a programme that began in January 2021 and will culminate with the drafting of a city food strategy for the next few years.

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