Online information sessions on the ‘Impulsem el que fas 2024’ subsidies for sustainable food projects
The prevision is for the call and the rules to be published at the end of July or the start of August.
Barcelona Activa is working on the new 2024 subsidy programme to drive social and economic projects in Barcelona, “Impulsem el Que Fas”.
With final confirmation still to come, the prevision is for the rules and the call to be published in the BOPB in the second half of July, and also on the website for the programme. The application period is expected to be from early September to mid October 2024, or until the budget is all used up.
An online information session is being organised to explain the main changes for this 8th edition, and more specifically the characteristics of category 5, for projects relating to sustainable food and responsible consumption. The session is being held on 9 July, from 12 noon to 2 pm (registration required).
Main changes
One important change compared to previous calls is that each of the six categories will include a catalogue of defined actions that can be applied for.
Significant changes are also planned in the subsidy application procedure, which becomes a non-competitive process. This means that projects will not be assessed in comparison with others and the award of the subsidies will be subject to the applicant natural or legal person meeting the requisites, as well as the actions to be funded and the existence of a budget.
Finally, there will also be changes in connection with the application procedure.