Community representatives in matters relating to sustainable food are being mobilised in the in the Baró de Viver and Bon Pastor neighbourhoods.

These are people and organisations that are trusted in the neighbourhood, and that will provide quality advice and verified information on sustainable healthy eating.

04/06/2024 - 13:50 h - City Council Ajuntament de Barcelona

People working in civic centres, markets, neighbourhood associations, libraries, pharmacies, schools and any other service that offers advice to the locals are key when it comes to bringing about a change in behaviour in terms of what we eat.

This is what Albarrio is all about. It’s a project that seeks to counteract the constant bombardment with often contradictory information that consumers have to deal with by providing reliable information from trustworthy sources on what sustainable healthy eating is, and on what it is not.

The roll out of the project has begun with a pilot scheme in the Baró de Viver and Bon Pastor neighbourhoods. After training with nurses and nutritionists from the Bon Pastor Health Centre and the Barcelona Public Health Agency, these new champions of sustainable, healthy food have gained the knowledge needed to provide the public with comprehensive information.

Other actions to facilitate access to a sustainable healthy diet

Alongside the involvement of these new ‘educators’, neighbourhood organisations can also contribute to this initiative for promoting a change of habits by joining the communication campaign with useful information and recommendations for the public, as well as by helping with the organisation of the activities to be held over the coming months.

Between June and October, the organisations will have the opportunity to get involved with everything from initiatives to improve the range of food available so as to make it easier to adopt healthy sustainable shopping habits, to workshops to learn how to shop and cook tasty, healthy food.

Examples include the launch of a point-of-purchase advice service at the Mercat del Bon Pastor, stalls offering discounts on food baskets, the organisation of seasonal workshops at the Aula Ambiental de Sant Andreu, cooking workshops at the Baró de Viver and Bon Pastor civic centre and more over the coming weeks.

Albarrio is an initiative that has been co-designed together with local people and a number of organisations working in the Baró de Viver and Bon Pastor neighbourhoods, coordinated by consultancy firm UpSocial and in collaboration with Barcelona City Council and other institutions. The roll-out of the network and of the various initiatives planned is to be carried out in conjunction with UpSocial and the Barcelona Public Health Agency.
