“Better than mine, ours!”, the new campaign promoting the advantages of Libraries of Things to local people

This service loaning objects can currently be found in six neighbourhoods, although the goal is to expand the network and establish libraries in each of Barcelona’s 73 neighbourhoods.

29/05/2024 - 10:53 h - City Council Ajuntament de Barcelona

Biblioteques de les Coses [Libraries of Things], also known in Catalan as bibliocoses, caixa d’eines i feines or traster comunitari, are places where members of the public can access a wide array of items for occasional use, avoiding the need to purchase and accumulate things we use very little. Not only does this promote a more efficient use of resources, but it also helps avoid the generation of waste. For instance, in just a year the Library of Things in Sant Martí has loaned out 412 objects such as drills, steam-cleaning machines and wheelchairs, saving 1,447 kilos of waste.

Positive impact in cutting emissions

Each loaned object means one purchase fewer, and subsequently, a significant reduction in the CO2 emissions associated with the life cycle of products. According to the various social and environmental organisations behind these initiatives (CooperaSec, Nusos, Rezero and groups of local residents), a facility of this type in each neighbourhoods could avoid 116,513 kg of waste a year. This would be equivalent to a saving of 474,498 in CO2, making this a key initiative in waste prevention and consumption awareness in the city.

Promoting the culture of using without buying

This consumption awareness model helps change the mentality of possession as the way of using items. Libraries of Things not only provide objects, but also organise workshops on repairs and waste prevention, fostering the culture of access and rental instead of buying.

They also have a strong community side to them. This is not just about renting objects, but putting them in the hands of the community, creating a sense of shared ownership and strengthening ties between local people. Libraries of Things become places for sharing knowledge, experience and mutual support, promoting a more cohesive community.

“Better than mine, ours!” campaign

To promote the advantages of Libraries of Things to local people, a campaign has been launched with the support of Barcelona City Council and entitled “Millor que meu, nostre!” [Better than mine, ours!], where people from different neighbourhoods gave first-hand accounts in a series of a communication materials which you can find here The campaign will be visible in the neighbourhoods and can also be found on social media operated by the different spaces and organisations promoting them.

Libraries of Things can currently be found at six points around the city, but the intention is to establish one in each of the city’s 73 neighbourhoods. To achieve this, the promoters are calling for people to support this model as a fundamental piece in the city’s sustainability and social cohesion policies.
