Step-up in scale in organic and local food distribution and consumption.
On-site with maximum capacity
Challenges and opportunities for multiplying and consolidating transformational food networks
There has been a significant increase in initiatives, over the last few years, which attempt to facilitate and ensure widespread access to organic and local food, taking the needs of the area's farmers into account. Central purchasing bodies, farmers’ distribution networks and new consumption cooperatives with shops (also known as cooperative supermarkets) are just a few examples of these.
The main goal of these projects is to provide a greater diversity of consumer profiles with access to these types of products. To do that, they aim to overcome the obstacles that prices and physical accessibility represent. They also aim to help improve the viability of the initiatives of farmers who work with agro-ecological values and practices.
The aim of the session is to discover various types of initiatives for distributing organic and local food and to reflect on what the key elements are that can help to multiply and consolidate transformational food networks. Taking part in this will be members of Germinando involved in GIASAT (Gestión Integral Agroecológica de los Sistemas Alimentarios Territorializados), VallaEcolid, the Barcelona Local Agri-Food Exchange Centre (CIAP), promoted by the Farmers’ Union, and the Quèviure and Economat Social cooperatives.