The medieval roots of Catalan gastronomic heritage
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During the 14th and 15th centuries, Catalan cooking achieved a level of excellence that was internationally acknowledged. Its aims were to obtain complex flavours through combining fine seasonings, to mask the natural qualities of the food and create sophisticated and attractive dishes. The conquest of Naples by Alfonso the Magnanimous and popes Calixtus III and Alexander VI, both from the Borja family, contributed to increased contact with Italy, from where its fame spread to the rest of Western Europe. Italian creations were praised by the expert gourmets of the day and were gathered across four cookery books: Llibre de Sent Soví [The Book of Saint Sovin], Llibre d’aparellar de menja [Book of Food Pairings], Llibre de totes maneres de potatges [Book of all Kinds of Stews] and Llibre del coc [Book of the Cook].