
Documentary film season
Food for change (a documentary by Benoît Bringer, 2019)
October 18th - 22.00 H (variable frequency programming betevé)
Betevé broadcasting
Betevé television
Our plate is our most powerful tool to fight global warming and protect the planet. Our diet currently plays a very significant role in the dangers that threaten our planet. But there is hope. Investigative journalist Benoît Bringer travels the world looking for men and women who are producing a new food model, one that is respectful of both humanity and nature. This documentary gives us hope and shows us how each of us can be an agent of change and develop recipes for an economically viable food transition.
This activity is part of the Betevé documentary film series that includes the films Fermentación espontánea, Taste the waste, Food for change and Il mare piange.