Núria Camps i Vidal

General Manager Nutrition without Borders


An expert in assessing public policies for international cooperation, municipalism, co-development, gender and comprehensive programmes with decentralised players.

Born in Barcelona in 1964, she is a qualified teacher and has a master’s degree in international cooperation and public-policy evaluation. She has had a long career in international cooperation in Latin American and Africa, promoting comprehensive development programmes that help to generate inclusive and sustainable development.

She is a follower of the theory of change, promotes community-empowerment initiatives and networks with decentralised players from the gender perspective.

She has been running Nutrition without Borders since 2020 in a new stage aimed at promoting the right to food of all citizens and at launching local public policies that help to ensure nutritional food safety (NFS) with citizen participation.

Covid has exposed the vulnerability of NFS, above all in cities; we therefore need to strengthen community-coordination processes for greater resilience and to launch initiatives that prevent food waste and therefore improve the planet.

