Javier Guzmán

 Director of Justícia Alimentària [Food Justice]

He has a bachelor's degree in Political Sciences and Sociology, master’s degrees in International Cooperation, in Strategic and Organisational Consultancy and in Marketing and Communication. A specialist in agri-food policies, an ecologist and activist for human rights, food sovereignty and international sovereignty.

He is currently the Director of Justícia Alimentària [Food Justice], having previously worked as a regional director for Southern Africa and India at Intermón Oxfam and as the Director for International Cooperation at the Catalan Red Cross.

He sits on the boards of directors of Plataforma Rural and Agorans Nord-Sud, is a promoter and member of the Alliance for Food Health, a member of the Global Network for the Right to Food and Nutrition and a contributor to various media outlets.

Web Justícia Alimentària
