Edi Pou

Musician, journalist and cultural activist

Edi Pou, musician, journalist and cultural activist. Member of the ZA! duo —City of Barcelona Prize 2015 and leading exponent of the European underground experimental scene —, Los Sara Fontan, and founder of the La Orquesta del Caballo Ganador improvisation group. Their concerts, shows and community projects have travelled across the five continents, from Tokyo to Maputo, from New York to Calonge, always with a spirit of collective and inclusive creation, blending avant-garde with popular culture.

As a journalist, he currently presents three podcasts on music and community and also writes articles reflecting on culture in El Temps de les Arts.

As a cultural activist he runs the independent labe Gandula (Premi Enderrock 2020), curates the programme of community concerts 4Raons in Prat de Llobregat and coordinates a committee for the Acció Cultura assembly festival Viva.

