Carmen Alcaraz del Blanco

Journalist and gourmet

Journalist by profession and gourmet by vocation. With a degree in Humanities, having studied Communication, Cultural Production and also Gastronomic Heritage.
She has worked for various media outlets, including l País Setmanal, El Mundo, Què Fem?, from La Vanguardia, RNE-Ràdio4, RAC1, 7 Caníbales and Itineraries of Taste de San Pellegrino.

She is currently the coordinator for Cocina Fácil on RBA and a columnist for Bon Viveur.  Carmen also teaches gastronomic subjects at the University of Cadiz, also at The Foodie Studies, and for the Society module for the Blanquerna Faculty of Communication URL.

She is an activist for the protection of gastronomic heritage and the historical role of women in gastronomy. Co-founder of the Gastrónomas movement and the Recetarios project, for the preservation of recipes from Spain from previous generations.
She recently organised the world’s first editatona dedicated to women in collaboration with Wikipedia and the National Library of Spain. She has previously participated in international forums such as the Climate Summit in Madrid, and in "Diálogos de cocina", with José Andrés. She is also writing her first book.

